الاثنين، 26 مارس 2012

Aliments qui provoquent des fringales : les bonbons sans sucre

Les bonbons light et autre chewing-gums sans sucre contiennent, comme les sodas light, des édulcorants synthétiques et notamment de l’aspartame. Consommée régulièrement l’aspartame donnerait à l’organisme l'impression qu'il va recevoir du sucre, alors qu'il n'en reçoit pas. Résultat : le cerveau, leurré, redemande du sucre et la sensation de faim apparaît. Les bonbons light entretiennent de plus le goût de sucré et poussent à manger plus.
On remplace par : Un fruit ou un yahourt 0%.
L’idée : caler l’appétit durablement et faire le plein de vitamines et de minéraux en cas de fringales, sans danger pour la ligne.

Aliments qui provoquent des fringales : le soda light

Bien qu’il ne contienne pas de sucre, le soda light, sucré avec des édulcorants de synthèse (type aspartame), n’est pas forcément une bonne idée pour la ligne. Selon certaines études, les risques de surpoids et d’obésité seraient en effet augmentés chez les personnes consommant régulièrement du soda light. Sa composition provoquerait une réaction en chaîne, débutant par un important besoin en hydrates de carbone, qui induirait en suivant une production importante d’insuline. Il aiguiserait donc l’appétit et favoriserait le grignotage.
On remplace par : un soda à la stévia.
La stévia est un édulcorant naturel au pouvoir sucrant 300 fois plus fort que le sucre. Il ne contient aucune calorie et permettrait, contrairement à l’aspartame, de réguler le taux de sucre dans le sang.

Aliments qui provoquent des fringales : le poisson et la volaille panés

Les aliments fris et panés (volaille ou viande panées type cordon-bleu et autres nuggets du fast-food) sont une véritable catastrophe pour la ligne. Pourquoi ? Parce qu’ils sont enrobés d’une chapelure riche en glucides simples (qui entrainent des fringales) et fris dans une grande quantité de matières grasses (notamment d’huile de palme) riches en acides palmitiques, soupçonnés d’entraver la sensation de satiété. Une composition idéale pour tromper l’organisme qui crée rapidement une sensation de faim poussant à manger plus.
On remplace par : Du poisson ou de la volaille grillés
Pour bénéficier de l’effet rassasiant des protéines, privilégiez les cuissons sans matières grasses (ou à l’huile d’olive) et oubliez la panure. Accompagnez plutôt votre plat de céréales complètes et de légumes verts pour un menu parfaitement équilibré et vraiment rassasiant.

Aliments qui provoquent des fringales : le riz blanc

Le problème du riz blanc est le même que celui de la baguette. Rapidement après avoir été ingéré, le riz blanc entraîne en effet un pic glycémique dans le sang. Une fois l’insuline libérée, le niveau de sucre redescend rapidement et le cerveau réagit en envoyant des signaux de faim à l’organisme. Ce phénomène se produit aussi avec les pâtes et les féculents trop cuits en général.
On remplace par : Du riz complet, basmati ou thaï.
Leurs glucides complexes permettent de réguler les pics de sucre grâce à un index glycémique plus bas que celui du riz blanc. Une alternative idéale pour caler sa faim de façon durable.

Minceur: 5 aliments qui provoquent des fringales

Pour dompter son appétit et être rassasié durablement, certains aliments sont à éviter. Baguette, riz blanc, nuggets et autres cordons bleus, bonbons ou sodas light : découvrez ces aliments qui donnent des fringales et rectifiez le tir illico !

1. Aliments qui provoquent des fringales : la baguette

Réalisée avec de la farine raffinée, la baguette blanche, riche en glucides simples, est digérée rapidement. Le taux de sucre s’élève donc très vite dans le sang, tout comme le taux d’insuline. Résultat, sensation de faim et hypoglycémie peuvent faire leur apparition peu après la prise alimentaire.
On remplace par : du pain complet

Riche en fibres et en glucides complexes, le pain complet est élaboré à partir d’une farine non raffinée. Assimilé doucement, il est idéal pour rassasier la faim durablement et échapper aux petits creux. Le pain intégral, au son, au seigle ou aux céréales est également parfait pour éviter les fringales.

Chômage : une baisse... de la hausse

En valeur absolue, le chiffre reste vertigineux, l’amélioration loin d’être acquise. Mais, campagne présidentielle oblige, mieux vaut positiver. Surtout lorsqu’on est président-candidat. Nicolas Sarkozy avait donc préparé le terrain, hier matin, en annonçant une «hausse assez modérée» du chômage en février. Les chiffres publiés hier en fin de journée par le département des études et des statistiques du ministère du Travail (Dares) vont en effet dans ce sens.

Réduite. En février, la France métropolitaine n’a enregistré qu’une légère hausse du nombre de demandeurs d’emplois, soit 6 200 de plus qu’en janvier (+ 0,2%) portant ainsi le nombre total à 2,867 millions de personnes. Mais il n’en reste pas moins que les chiffres incluant les demandeurs d’emplois exerçant une activité réduite ont augmenté en février à un rythme plus soutenu que le mois précédent, avec une hausse de 20 400 personnes (+ 0,5%). Ainsi, en métropole, ce sont au total 4,278 millions demandeurs d’emplois, exerçant ou non une activité réduite, qui cherchaient un travail en février. La «photographie» est plus inquiétante dès lors que les statistiques de la Dares incluent les territoires de l’outre-mer. Cette fois, le chiffre atteint 4,547 millions.

Syndicats et personnalités proches de François Hollande estiment que ces hausses, relativement moins pires que celles des mois précédents, sont le résultat d’une politique des vases communicants. Selon Alain Vidalies, responsable de l’emploi dans l’équipe du candidat PS, «le gouvernement a décidé d’utiliser l’essentiel des moyens budgétaires consacrés aux contrats aidés pour l’année 2012 sur les premiers mois de l’année. Deux tiers des contrats sont mobilisés à la hâte, dans l’unique but de fairebaisser artificiellement les chiffres du chômage au moment de l’élection présidentielle». Certes, les emplois aidés et comptabilisés selon la nomenclature de Pôle Emploi en catégorie E représentent plus de 370 000 personnes. Mais cette même catégorie n’a pas augmenté en février (par rapport au mois précédent).

Sauveur. A l’heure des bilans, Nicolas Sarkozy, qui se pose plus que jamais comme le sauveur de l’Europe en général et de la Grèce en particulier, estime que les chiffres de janvier témoignent «d’une baisse tendancielle de l’augmentation du nombre de chômeurs». Un simple coup d’œil dans le rétroviseur du quinquennat affiche pourtant une augmentation du chômage avoisinant les 35%, avec 730 300 demandeurs d’emplois supplémentaires. Ce qui fait dire à Benoît Hamon, porte-parole du PS, que «le chômage est le naufrage de ce quinquennat». Et à Olivier Besancenot, l’ex-numéro 1 de feu la LCR, qu’«il n’y a pas de baisse tendancielle du foutage de gueule».

الخميس، 15 مارس 2012

Meditation and the Monkey Mind?

Some find the term, "monkey mind", upsetting, derogatory, and insulting. This is a shame, as the point is lost, the ego is involved, and a natural human defense goes up. After all, we are supposed to be the "king of the primates," aren't we?

The first time I heard the expression, "monkey mind," in regard to meditation, I thought of Swayambhunath Stupa, in Kathmandu, Nepal.
Sometimes, this is named, the "monkey temple," and it made me laugh inside, as monkeys need supervision in human settings. The picture of unsupervised monkeys got into my head, and I was suppressing laughter during a serious conversation.

Monkeys can be nuisances, when allowed to roam without some guidance, and it is the same with the untrained mind that runs from topic to topic, without getting much accomplished. So please don't waste time being offended by the term, and try to look at the comical side.

When you allow yourself to enjoy life, and try not to take anything too seriously, you can see that monkeys don't have it so bad after all. Very often, the human mind spends too much time defending, worrying, posturing, influencing, fearing, and feeling embarrassed, to enjoy life to its fullest potential.

In fact, you are not your mind. You are responsible for your actions, but many things happen in the thought process before you do take action. For example: when you think, images and options are created. As a result of those images, you get a physical feeling somewhere around your heart.

Whether the feeling is, good or bad, you process it into action, or treat it as a fleeting thought that passes and may be forgotten. So if you have a fleeting evil thought and it passes - should you waste time feeling guilty about it? The natural safeguard for ethical behavior is your heart or "gut feeling." This is the best indicator of wrong or right.

Mankind has the ability to influence the universe, and create different realities, but separating what is sacred, from what is evil, has been a dilemma for thousands of years. The disconnection from your inner self, nature, and God, has led to excessive confusion.

Thank God for meditation; it allows you to harness the power of the mind, settle down, and focus, on one subject at a time. If you take the time for a daily meditation practice, your decision-making process will be much more controlled and clear. The end result will be to look at the monkey with much more respect, appreciation, and a bit of humor.

Facial Skin Care Tips for Men

As a man, young or old, you ought to be concerned with the state of your skin. Many men seem like they could care less about the state their skin. With the Hockey season just starting up, who has time to worry about skin care?

If you plan on going down to the pub to catch the game with your buddies, you should heed my advice and do your best to look good. Hey, you never know when you are going to meet Ms. Right! You should all know by now that we want a man who takes care of himself and puts some effort into his appearance.

Cleansing is important part of everyday skin care. Good old soap and water is better than using nothing at all, but hand soap is designed for use on hands. Feel your hands. I don't think anyone wants a face that feels like that. Why not try something new?

Take a trip down to your local pharmacy and have a look around. Or if you are too embarrassed and you already have a Mrs. Right, I'm sure she would be happy to pick something up for you. There are countless products available, and there is sure to be something right for you. Try to find something with minimal fragrance, so you aren't overpowering the ladies with your various scents

Shaving is another thing that men don't give much thought to. Well, you ought to! Why have rough, razor-burned skin when you could be smooth? Trust me. The ladies like a man that is smooth, and that doesn't just apply to clichéd pick-up lines!

Always use a warm washcloth on your face before you shave. This will soften the hairs, and allow your pores to open up. And before you shave, make sure you have a decent razor. Those disposable razors should be disposed of once and for all! There are a number of new razors on the market that will provide you with a good, close shave. Be sure to use a quality shaving cream or gel, and be sure to moisturize when you are done.

As a young lady looking for Mr. Right, I know how important it is to find a man who takes care of himself. My mother always said you can tell a lot about a man by his appearance, and I couldn't agree more. Beyond that, your damned stubble hurts my face! See you out on the town, boys!

The Role of Antioxidants in Good Health And Healthy Living

Everyone has heard about the importance of a balanced diet for maintaining good health. Similarly, everyone knows that they should be getting exercise - or at the very least adding more activity into their days. Getting a good night's sleep is essential - without it, you'll find that your immune system starts to slack off a bit and you put yourself at a greater risk for catching a cold or coming down with the flu.

We all know what we should be doing, but let's be honest: very few of us eat a balanced diet all of the time. Many of us make the choice to take the elevator rather than the stairs and we try to find a parking place that's as close as possible to our destination rather than taking the opportunity to walk a little further. We also tend to let stress, work, social gatherings and more interfere with the amount of sleep that we're able to get each night.

When we don't go the extra mile to take care of ourselves, and when our immune systems start to falter because of it, we may not feel it right away. Soon, sluggishness starts creeping in. This sluggishness not only slows us down, it also ages us prematurely.

Fortunately, there's something that we can do in order to maintain our young living. We can maintain our youth simply by adding antioxidants to our diet.

What are antioxidants? The simplest answer is that antioxidants are the vitamins and minerals found in foods that serve to fight off disease. The more complex answer is that antioxidants like Vitamin C, Vitamin E, selenium, Vitamin A that are found in fruits and vegetables. By making an effort to add antioxidants to our diet, we can keep our young living going; we can keep ourselves healthier longer.

Antioxidants are, in effect, sponges that soak up the free radicals in our systems. By fighting the free radicals in our bodies - free radicals that are the result of less healthy foods that we eat, alcohol that we drink and smoke that we're exposed to (whether we smoke cigarettes ourselves or are exposed to second hand smoke from friends, family members who smoke, neighbors in our apartment buildings or co-workers at the office) - by adding more fruits and vegetables to our diet and by adding young living essential oils, we are better able to maintain our good health and reduce the risk of developing some cancers and even heart disease and stroke.

Young living oils take the essential oils from lemons and oranges and combine them with Ningxia wolfberries, juices from blueberries and pomegranate, along with other nutrient sources. Those who add antioxidants in this way will find that they:

* have increased energy; that they have regained a sense of young living that doesn't come from caffeine or other stimulants that effect you for a short while and then wear off leaving you to crash even harder, feeling more tired than you had before, and,

* help you to protect your body from the effects of a weakened immune system that comes from a lack of adequate self care.

However, increased energy and a sense of better health aren't the only reasons why young living oils are beneficial to your body. The other reason is that the antioxidants serve to help your body to work more effectively. From boosting your immune function to helping your liver to better filter out toxins, from improving your cardiovascular function to maintaining the health of your eyes, you'll find that antioxidants along with you living oils just help you to feel better.

While you may not always be able to make the time to eat balanced meals, you may not always be able to make time for a run or for time at the gym, you'll find that increasing the antioxidants in your body with young living oils doesn't take much time but still offers many of the same benefits. You'll also find that, because the energy rush young living essential oils is all natural and without stimulants, not only won't you crash out but also your sleep cycle is less likely to be disrupted.

Are these essential oils the magic bullet to good health? Not necessarily, but that doesn't mean they aren't the key to young living.

How to Legally Download Movies on the Internet

With more and more people using broadband we are seeing and increase in options for content from the internet. One of these is movies. Due to the large file size of video content, it was not practical for this type of content for dial up users. This is all changing as broadband becomes the standard method to use the internet.

Early adopters of this new approach have gone so far as to cancel their cable TV subscriptions but not all content can be downloaded on the internet at this point. Still, this trend will likely continue as more content becomes available. Let's look at some of the top five latest sources for online movies.

CinemaNow.com offers downloadable movies that can be played for up to 24 hours after you start watching them. There are no membership fees and you pay $2.99 to $3.99 per rental. The current selection includes over 7500 films as well as a selection of free movie downloads.

Movielink.com has movie downloads starting at $1.99. They have a decent and growing selection of new releases and classics. Unlimited viewings per download for 24 hours. Nice selection of free downloads also. They offer student discounts and weekly half off specials.

Stars.real.com offers a monthly subscription plan that allows unlimited monthly downloads for $12.95. Like the cable version of Starz channel, you won't find the latest releases, but there are over 300 movies each month to choose from. They offer a 14 day free trial, so it's worth checking out.

Vongo.com contains over 1000 titles with new titles weekly. This service is also related to the Starz cable channel. Unlimited downloads and unlimited view times for standard titles. The monthly subscription is $9.99. They also have a pay per view fee for latest releases.

There are a number of other sites that offer legal movie downloads of non-mainstream theater movies, and of course TV programs. For more sources see www.new-free-movie-downloads.info .

Clever Mayor Roy Nagen: Has Runoff Election With White Guy Who Looks Just Like Roy Himself

We wouldn't even hazard a guess at the odds against such a outcome, but the runoff election in New Orleans looks about as bizarre as anything you're likely to see even in the Mardi Gras.

Roy Nagen, the Mr. Malaprop of mayoral politics, who alienated white voters when he voiced the proud hope of making the city, in the wake of Katrina, "chocolate again," has gotten himself caught up in a runoff election with a white guy, Lieutenant Governor Mitch Landrieu, who, at least to us, looks just like a paler version of Roy himself.

Answer the following true or false questions:

Do both gentlemen shave their heads?

Do both have similarly round faces?

Do both of their ears curve the same way?

Are their noses amazingly similar?

So what's going on here? Is clever Roy actually both candidates? Could he have asked Michael Jackson for advice on how he might transform himself into a whiter shade of Roy?

As the saying goes, if it walks like a bird from the bayou and it talks like a bird from the bayou, it must be a bird from the bayou.

All we can say is, may the best man win, especially if the two candidates are different men.

Lift Chairs -An Aid to Living a Functional Life

A doctor would always recommend a chair lift to a mobility impaired patient. Immobility could be age related or due to medical problems such as arthritis, back pains, osteoporosis and many other diseases that could weaken the muscles and cause excruciating pain in the joints. Nothing could be more frustrating than feeling helpless. And this is what most people with mobility difficulties feel every time they need to move and fail to do so.

Lift chairs are chairs that are specially designed to help people with mobility problems on order to sit and stand from a chair with ease. With a push of a button, the mechanism will cause the chair to move into an upright position to enable the user to stand. If a user would want to sit, all he has to do is rest his back against the tilted seat, push a button and the seat would smoothly lower into a sitting position.

Getting old is a fact of life that no one can evade. Weakening muscles and movement difficulties are suffered by those who are advanced in age. Getting in and out of a chair would pose a problem to a once agile individual more so if the chair is quite uncomfortable. Asking for assistance, however, would be both embarrassing as well as confidence deflating. A lift chair is a technological advancement that would make life easier for people recovering from surgery and undergoing therapy. Women who have just given birth would find a lift chair most beneficial as sitting on a regular chair would cause discomfort. Likewise, a lift chair would be beneficial to people who have had accident and still recuperating. Those that have hip and knee joint problems as well as those that have weak muscles due to health related problems can make use of the lift chair.

Needless to say, a lift chair would provide elderly people independence as the need to ask for assistance every time they would want to stand up from a seated position is eliminated. Lift chairs would make the work of a caregiver less tedious as they do not have to carry their patients in and out of their chairs. Lift chair are beneficial not only to the elderly but also to the office worker who suffer from agonizing back pains as a result of sitting for long periods of time. People would oftentimes ignore the importance of correct posture when engrossed with work. Chair lifts would offer back support that consequently reduces back strain. Lift chair can give the elderly some form of independence and people with mobility problems the chance to live normal lives.

Questions And Answers About Tanning Oils

Tanning oil has long been used by sun worshippers and beach bunnies looking for a way to get a dark, even tan. However, there are quite a few myths about tanning oil, and it can be difficult for consumers to sort out the facts from the fiction. There are many people who erroneously believe that tanning oil offers them protection from a sunburn, or that tanning oil makes a tan healthy for your skin. Still other people believe that tanning oil will help them gain a sophisticated bronze glow more quickly than simply lying in the sun. The biggest question about tanning oil is what exactly this product does, and there are few tanning oil users who fully understand the answer.

One thing that tanning oil does not do is protect your skin against a damaging sunburn. The only thing that can stop you from absorbing potentially harmful UV rays is a sun block that will stop UVA and UVB rays from penetrating your skin cells. Unfortunately, this kind of sun block will also stop you from tanning. Tanning oil cannot make it safe for you to get a tan, since there is technically no such thing as a safe tan. Because tanning is your body's attempt to protect your skin against the sun, your body will only begin to tan after your skin has suffered some damage

Science tells us that tanning oil doesn't attract the sun to your skin; allow you to achieve a dark bronze with greater speed than your neighbors; or in any way improve your tanning prowess. However, using tanning oil can enhance the appearance of your tan. The oil softens your skin, creating a supple, attractive physique, and the oil changes the way that your skin reflects light; and can thereby give the illusion of making your tan darker. Many people who yearn for a deep, rich tan do so because they believe that it will make them appear more attractive, and a gentle application of tanning oil can help anyone to achieve this goal.

However, before you use tanning oil or try to get a sun kissed look, consider whether the risks of this beauty option may outweigh the benefits. If you are worried about showing early signs of aging, increasing your vulnerability to skin cancers like melanoma, or causing other kinds of damage to your skin, it may be time to ditch the tanning oil in favor of sun block. Although sun block won't leave you looking glamorously burnished, it will leave you looking healthy and wrinkle free for years to come.

Popular Wedding Hair Styles

A great hairstyle is the crowning glory to your personality. A wedding hairstyle holds much importance to enhance the overall beauty of the pretty bride. The hairstyle can make a bride look smart and mesmerizing. No wonder, you will be too busy in picking your wedding dress and accessories. But the wedding hair style is as important as your wedding dress. You have a number of hair saloons where you can get special popular wedding hairstyle. These styles have been adorned by so many beautiful brides.

The hair style, off course, depends on the dress you are wearing and shape of your face and hair texture. The hairstyle must be in accordance to the veil or the head piece of the bride. Also, the hair style should be set to make the bride a real princess.

Fulfill your dream of being a royal princess by wearing a sparkling crown on your head. One of the most popular head piece is the crown. It is classy and also easy-to-wear. To wear a crown, you can adhere to a simple hairstyle. You can pin up your hair on the top of the head to make a high bun. Also you can part your front hair and curl the back hair. After curling the back hair, pin them up high or let them down. After this, fix the crown and veil with the same pins. This will give you a more formal look.

If your wedding is a casual affair you can let all your hair down. Just pull them back and fix the veil with a beautiful wreath. Wreath is a half ring made up of flowers.

Flowers are an inseparable part of wedding hair styles. The beautiful flowers enhance the feminine looks of the innocent bride. You can choose from a variety of flowers. The most popular wedding hair styles incorporate the flowers like orchids and roses as they are available in so many attractive colors.

For a sophisticated look, you can pull all your hair back to make a low bun just above your neck. Flowers can be added individually around the bun or in the form of a ring. The most popular buns are the ones made after rolling your hair. You can tie your hair in to a low ponytail and roll over the rest of hair into rolls. A bun with 6 rolls is the hottest among the brides these days. After bun is complete, you can add certain accessories like flowers, hair brooch or simply some beads in the new hair style.

Las Vegas wedding hair style is also in vogue among the young generation brides. It is a funky hair style. In this wedding hair style the hair are pined loosely to make a bun on top of your head. The front hairs are let loose. The hair locks from both the sides of forehead and allowed to fall down on the face of the bride. Are you ready to embellish your crowning glory by now?

Rules to follow to build muscles

Do not underestimate breakfast
Breakfast is the most important meal on the day. Breakfast counteracts your muscles to breaking down on the most effective way. On the night the blood sugar is goes down and if you not eat a good breakfast you stop your muscle from growing.

Do not take nutrition instead of food. Nutrition works best as a compliment to your food or as a boost before training. But never believe that nutrition makes your muscle grow the way that real food does. Also test different to see what nutrition that fits your body best.

Eat every 3-4 hour
You muscle grow as long as you have the right amount of blood sugar in your body. As long as you have that the body knows its okay to build muscles. You have that right amount in your body about 3-4 hours after your last meal. That means you have to eat every 3-4 hour to maintain the right balance in your body and to continue to grow muscle.

Drink Water
Every chemical rejection in your body happens in a water based environment. If you do not drink water you are going to dry and your functions in your body works poorly. Functions like fat burning, muscle grow and condition.

Control what you eat
Analyse what you eat and see if you get enough to build muscle. One way to do that is to whey your food for three days. This is to see your how much protein, carbs and fat you get. Do this a couple of times a year to see your development. This is easy to do with help of a diet program that you can find on internet.

Vary the food
This is a key for success. The big advantage you get is that your body do not get used to one certain nourishment. The risk is also minimal that you get lack of something, and surely will get the right amount of vitamins and minerals that your muscles need to grow.

Eat right before training
You need to load your body right before you can perform a good workout. If you are training in the morning it can be good to eat lot of carbs the night before. If you are training in the evenings you have many meals to get you prepared for your workout.

Eat right after training
After breakfast this is the most important meal for you. After training you muscle are broke down, and you need to eat as fast as you can after training. Your muscles need both protein and carbs to grow, and here can your nutrition drinks be very important. This gives you both carbs and protein fast.

iPhone Unlocking Benefits

Many awaited the launch of the iPhone and when it finally arrived in the summer of 2007 the line to get one was a long one. For people who didn't live in the USA the waiting in this line would have to continue till November the same year and by then it stood clear that the phone needed to get unlocked to live up to its full potential. To get an iPhone and not unlock it would be considered a waste of money by many, especially since unlocking became so easy as clicking your mouse.

Cheating Customers

It is questionable if it is OK to unlock an iPhone but this could easily be turned around as a customer that buys this expensive phone is forced to accept the terms of the operator it is tied to. In the USA the phone operator is AT&T and in some cases buying the phone means that a customer has to stick to the phone company for 2 years! It is evident that such an arrangement robs the customers of the benefits of a free market where prices are influenced by the competition of the phone companies. To unlock the iPhone means to get a better variety of rates and subscriptions.

In Europe it is only possible for people living in the UK, Germany or France to enjoy the locked iPhone. It is not unusual with business relationships between these nations and that means that customers in Europe will not only have to accept the rates of the company with the rights to the iPhone in their own country but also the conversion rates that are added as they cross into one of the other countries. By unlocking the iPhone it will gain a better reputation as a phone that can be fit for everyone.

Immobile mobile

For people living in countries other than the UK, France, Germany and the US, the only way to enjoy an iPhone is to unlock it. It is quite remarkable that a phone that is meant to be used as an all around tool isn't fit to be used globally. Without a simlock the phone becomes affordable and more attractive and it can better be used globally. Taking away the lock-feature will not only benefit the great many customers who would like to use it but also the producers that certainly want to see their phone conquer the world.

If you decide to unlock your iphone its recommend you do it with a reputable firm that knows what its doing and can give you propper support. There are many cases where an iPhone has been bricked by malfunctioning software.

The Three Most Important Keys To Understanding Effective Bodybuilding Nutrition

Let's break down and simplify this important aspect of bodybuilding. You basically need to understand three things about nutrition:

• The main purpose for each of the three macronutrients: Protein, carbohydrates, and fat
• The "right" ratio, or the "correct" percentages, of protein, carbohydrates, and fat that your food should be divided into in order to meet your bodybuilding goals
• The number of calories you should consume to meet your specific physique-enhancement goals

Good nutrition seems much easier when it is broken down and you look it at from that perspective, doesn't it? But what do the three macronutrients do for our bodies? What ratio of our food should be allocated to protein, carbohydrates, and fat? How do I determine how many calories I should eat? I'll answer those questions-and a whole lot more.

Those questions about nutrition provide a wide range of answers that are not necessarily easy to find. But, with experimentation, patience, and persistence , you'll eventually figure out what's best to help you reach your personal goals. Unfortunately, there are no easier ways around this fact. There are no magic numbers, solutions, or formulas that I, nor anyone else, can give you to make the process effortless-no matter what you are told. These answers not only vary from person to person, they also can vary within the very same person during different periods of time.

Extramarital Affairs: What Everyone Needs to Know... and what you can do to help

Recent statistics suggest that 40% of women (and that number is increasing) and 60% of men at one point indulge in extramarital affairs. Put those numbers together and it is estimated that 80% of the marriages will have one spouse at one point or another involved in marital infidelity.

That may seem like a very steep number. However after two decades plus of full time work as a marriage and family therapist, I don't believe that number is off the charts. I worked with a great number of people involved in infidelity who were never discovered.

The possibility that someone close to you is or soon will be involved in an extramarital affair (any of the three parties) is extremely high.

Maybe you will know. You will see telltale signs. You will notice changes in the person's habits and behavioral patterns as well as a detachment, lack of focus and reduced productivity. Maybe you will sense something "out of character" but be unable to pinpoint what it is.

It is not a given that he/she will tell you. Those hiding the affair will continue to hide. The "victim" of the extramarital affair often, at least initially, is racked with anger, hurt, embarrassment and thoughts of failing that preclude divulging the crisis.

It might be important to confront the person with your observations, depending on the status of your relationship with the person.

It is important to understand that extramarital affairs are different and serve different purposes.

Out of my study and experience with hundreds of couples I've identified 7 different kinds of infidelity.

Briefly, some extramarital affairs are reactivity to a perceived lack of intimacy in the marriage. Others arise out of addictive tendencies or a history of sexual confusion or trauma.

Some in our culture play out issues of entitlement and power by becoming "trophy chasers." This "boys will be boys" mentality is subtly encouraged in some contexts. Some become involved in marital infidelity because of a high need for drama and excitement and are enthralled with the idea of "being in love" and having that "loving feeling."

An extramarital affair might be for revenge either because the spouse did or did not do something. Or the revenge may stem from rage. Although revenge is the motive for both, they look and feel very different.

Another form of infidelity serves the purpose of affirming personal desirability. A nagging question of being "OK" may lead to usually a short-term and one-person affair. And finally, some affairs are a dance that attempts to balance needs for distance and intimacy in the marriage, often with collusion from the spouse.

The prognosis for survivability of the marriage is different for each. Some affairs are the best thing that happens to a marriage. Others serve a death knell. As well, different extramarital affairs demand different strategies on the part of the spouse or others. Some demand toughness and movement.
Others demand patience and understanding.

The emotional impact of the discovery of infidelity is usually profound. Days and weeks of sleeplessness, rumination, fantasies (many sexual) and unproductivity follow. It typically takes 2 – 4 years to "work through" the implications. A good coach or therapist can accelerate and mollify the process. I don't recommend "marriage" counseling, at least initially.

The devastating emotional impact results from a couple powerful dynamics. Trust is shattered – of one's ability to discern the truth. The most important step is NOT to learn to trust the other person, but to learn to trust one's self. Another is the power that a secret plays in relationships. THE secret exacts an emotional and sometimes physical toll that needs to be acknowledged and dealt with.

How can you help?

Those in the midst of their affair crisis told me they need this from you:

1. Sometimes I want to vent, get it out without censor. I know sometimes I will say what I shouldn't be saying. It may not be nice, pretty or mild. Please know that I know better, but I need to get it off my chest.

2. Every so often I want to hear something like, "This too shall pass." Remind me that this is not forever.

3. I want to be validated. I want to know that I am OK. You can best do that by nodding acceptance when I talk about the pain or confusion.

4. I want to hear sometimes, "What are you learning? What are you doing to take care of yourself?" I may need that little jolt that moves me beyond my pain to see the larger picture.

5. I may want space. I may want you to be quiet and patient as I attempt to sort through and express my thoughts and feelings. Give me some time to stammer, stutter and stumble my way through this.

6. I want someone to point out some new options or different roads that I might take. But before you do this, make sure I am first heard and validated.

7. When they pop into your mind, recommend books or other resources that you think I might find helpful.

8. I want to hear every so often, "How's it going?" And, I may want this to be more than an informal greeting. Give me time and space to let you know exactly how it IS going.

9. I want you to understand and welcome the ambivalent feelings and desires. I would like you to be fairly comfortable with the gray areas and the contradictions about how I feel and what I may want.

10. I want you to be predictable. I want to be able to count on you to be there, listen and speak consistently or let me know when you are unable to do that. I will honor that.

Extramarital affairs are powerful. Affairs are costly. They affect family, friends, colleagues and employers. Infidelity is also an opportunity – to redesign one's life and love relationships in ways that create honor, joy and true intimacy.

Basics Of Nutrition

There are many things to learn about when it comes to nutrition. But the basic concept is "What goes in must come out." Your body is like a machine it takes what it needs from what you feed it and gets rid of the rest by urine and the bowels.

If you notice you have a problem about elimination, you should take it seriously, go see a doctor. Many people have this problem. Don't be shy or anything, it can be very serous to your health.

The first step, is finding out if there even is a problem. First you should see how many bowel movements you have daily (BM). If you have one per day it's not a problem, however it is better to have 2 to 3 BM's a day and more if you eat more often. But if you find you are having one per week or 2 per month, then you have a serious problem.

For some people they might say they don't find the time. The reason could be they are out all day and would prefer to have their BM at home rather then a public bathroom. But let me tell you, you will keep your colon quite happy if you go several times for the day. If you are looking for a trick it would be to eat a lot of raw fruits and vegetables, steamed beets and using digestive enzymes with your meals. Do whatever you can; it will be beneficial to you.

I have just lightly touched on the subject, but if you have a problem you should consult a doctor and seek help. Because this problem is not good for your health, take care of it today and look forward to tomorrow. May you live a healthy and prosper life.

الثلاثاء، 13 مارس 2012

Control your Weight and Feel the Improvement

First thing to do is know and understand the problem, so you need to find out your personal Body Mass Index. This is the figure the dentitions use to asses how much over weight you are.Its very easy to look at this figure and thinks that's o.k. its not that much overweight.

Remember that everyday you are overweight you are putting an excess strain on your body and heart muscle so consider even removing a small amount of weight being a very important step in being able to live longer and be healthier.

Body Mass Index can be worked out as follows. Your weight in kilograms is divided by your height in meters squared you can obtain the required conversion to pounds and feet if you require and then put the figures in.
Once you have obtained your Body Mass Index its then time to do something about it.

For everyone it's a good idea to have a BMI of between 18 – 25 Its important not to go underweight as this has extreme dangers and can cause major problems for your body to cope. How ever most people have the problem over being over the magic 25 figure which means you require to do some exercise, change your diet and consider what else you can do to reduce Fat intake.

The most important thing to consider is how you feel sometimes BMI is misleading in the way the figures show. Some people feel fine at being overweight so its important add that into your factor before considering the action you need to take.

If your BMI is over 30 then you are considered obese and this does need to be addressed. Also you need to consider your shape if you have FAT building around the waist this is the most dangerous As this can increase your chance of having heart problems.

Before considering what to do be realistic the following is always sound advice. Fast diets are never good for you and always return you to your previous weight sooner or later. So find out what you are taking in at the moment list all the items and do some serious research on the products that you are eating.

Asses what your findings are carefully and then look at what would be a good for an average days intake of calories and start to measure how much calories your burning. Get a pedometer and make sure you balance any excess food against sufficient exercise.

Try to balance your diet also consider how much alcohol you consume as this carries calories too. Increase your energy output by doing the best exercises like swimming which is a non impact exercise and operates all your muscles.

An average man requires around 2500 calories per day and a woman around 2000 calories try to keep a record of this per day per week and track your progress. Try to consider that eating smaller regular meals is easier for the body to maintain good blood sugar levels.

Don't binge on items such chocolates and cake I know its hard an every time I pass a cake shop I feel the urge to get one. Control your shopping habits try to pre order in your mind the shopping list so that bad items don't get on it.

(1) Set a good goal for a period of time always helps and makes you feel better when you achieve it.

(2) Reduce fried foods and look at alternative ways of cooking the same foods.

(3) Replace fizzy drinks with water as fizzy drinks contain enormous amounts of sugar.

(4) Reduce alcohol consumption always a good idea during dieting.

(5) Try to get the five recommended fruit and vegetables a day if possible.

(6) Water intake needs to have around 6 glasses a day which is around 2.5 pints per day this helps your body tremendously and reduces the urge to eat.

(7) Maintain a good exercise program try to do good non impact exercises.

(8) Consult a Doctor or detritions for proper advice only take pills under medical advice.

(9) Feel good in yourself that you are improving everyday.

(10) Seek good advice from friends and get support from them if you feel depressed.

Binaural Beats - The Holy Grail Of Self Improvement

This article is designed to give you some insight into the relatively new technology of Binaural Beats. Binaural Beats are specific frequencies that can bring you into a profoundly deep state of meditation within minutes using the latest innovations in sound technology. They utilize a specific audio mixing technique designed to alter the listener's brain wave activity. By sitting or lying down in a quiet environment and wearing headphones these beats can be used to create Alpha, Theta and Delta brainwave patterns.

When brainwave patterns change it has been documented that there is also a change in chemical reactions within the body which can have a profound effect on your entire physical structure. In effect these beats have the same impact and benefits of a deep meditative state akin to hypnologic trance or transcendental mediation. Now very few people can enter such deep states of hypnosis and transcendental meditation takes a lifetime to perfect. So the immediate benefits of using binaural beats is apparent.

An added benefit of using such technology is that the states it creates allow you to access the subconscious parts of the mind. Those parts that are subliminal and just below the conscious threshold. Binaural beats can be used with many other self improvement tools (such as subliminal recordings, affirmations or visualization etc.) to increase your personal development dramatically as it creates deep states of relaxation and can put you into Alpha and Theta states. Therefore they can be used as an aid to alter beliefs, heal emotional issues or create behaviour changes. They can even be used for a quick energy boost. It is believed that by using binaural beats you can:

1. Create deep states of meditation.

2. Boost your intelligence and creativity.

3. Slow aging.

4. Create remarkable emotional changes at a very deep level.

5. Eliminate Stress & anxiety.

The beauty of binaural beats is that they can be used to induce these states and create these changes with no effort on the part of the listener. You just wear a set of headphones and let the sound technology do the rest.

The discovery of binaural technology is mostly accredited to Dr. Gerald Oster. Oster first published research about binaural beats in 1973 in Scientific American after he had conducted extensive studies.

However, this is not as well known, binaural beats where in fact first discovered as far back as 1839 by an Associate Professor, at the University of Berlin, called Heinrich Wilhelm Dove. Dove accidentally discovered that when two similar sounds, that are only slightly shifted in frequency, are given separately to left and right ear they cause a pulsation or beat type effect within the brain.

However, it was Dr. Oster who uncovered the full benefits of using this new technology when he discovered the effects that binaural beats have on the mind and body.

There are many producers of binaural beat technology competing in the market today. It is possible to create your own with the proper software. However, an in-depth knowledge of brainwave patterns and their effect on the mind and body is advisable before ever trying to create your own. There are many forum threads on the web that claim binaural beats have had a negative or even damaging effect on certain listeners. For that reason I believe it is safer to stick to the tried and tested pre-made recordings that are available for a reasonable fee. You can purchase separate binaural beat recordings to induce almost any emotional state or you can even enrol on a binaural beat program for self improvement that takes several years to complete.

I, myself, have no experience of any damaging effects due to the use of binaural beats. However, if you are using binaural beats for personal development purposes their use can be uncomfortable. All my experiences have been extremely positive, although not always pleasurable. Let me explain.

ECC machines have been used in the past to monitor the brain activity of life-long meditaters. While in a deep meditative state, these meditational experts, displayed alpha, theta and delta brainwave patterns. These are the very states that binaural beats create.

Alpha wave patterns in the brain occur in a relaxed state and during this time we are very susceptible to suggestion. This is the state that you enter during hypnosis. Theta brainwaves allow for the absorption of huge amounts of information while Delta brainwaves are most apparent when you enter a state of deep but dreamless sleep. It is the Delta state that is the main aim of such practices as transcendental meditation. Although for many entering the delta state while fully conscious can be very relaxing, for most it is not, for it is during such brain activity that internal change occurs.

By bringing the listener into this extremely deep state of meditation, binaural technology, can activate major positive changes in your emotional, mental and physical make-up. Now this can be a profoundly life altering experience. You will find past buried memories resurface as the beats direct your brain to restructure its neural network and raise your "comfort level" to a new high. After several listening session you find yourself less stressed out than before and your reaction to situations, that in the past would have sent you screaming round the halls, much more composed. The technology literally eliminates negative emotional, mental and physical patterns. The discomfort I spoke of earlier comes from the restructuring of your brain's neural network as old buried uncomfortable memories are triggered in the brain before the connecting emotional response is wiped away. You are still left with the memory of the event but you no longer have any emotional attachment to it. Don't worry, for some reason, it doesn't affect positive memories! It may be due to the natural state of the mind and body, for this system of mind/body is always seeking equilibrium and harmony, which tends to lead to feelings of joy and happiness.

Binaural beats is a proven technology that can create brainwave changes which alter your mood and changes the chemical reactions in your body to encourage faster healing and harmonious interaction between cells. However, there is currently research being conducted to determine if these beats can actually direct the brain to reformat DNA encoding. If this is possible the possibilities are almost limitless - decrease in illness, genetic disorders, a reversal of aging etc.

If personal development and self improvement isn't your main aim for investigating binaural beats (and don't want to get younger) then the single recordings designed to induce specific mind/body changes is enough. You can get recordings for an energy boost, meditation, to spark the creative areas of the brain, induce deep sleep and even one that acts like a digital drug!

All these changes happen effortlessly and easily. All you need is a pair of stereo headphones and a comfortable chair. The recording does the rest.

Punk And Rock And Roll Revisited


Music genre is a cycle. A fashion trend to some who go along with the times, the type of hype and promotions that go along with it are critical elements that contribute to making it one of the in things today. Along with the musical influences are the type of clothes and appearances that are tagged along with it. The type of music really depends on the performers who preach this type of music. Appearances are totally secondary and only become identified once live performances or the better-known medium of spreading the punk and rock and roll music known as Music Television Videos (MTV). Live performances as well are sought after, especially when such musical compositions become hits in various parts of the world. The bottom line for the acceptance of most people is how such musical productions are accepted by its target audience, since for sure, all music lovers have their own preference of music and style.

A Musical Cycle for the Masses

Music is definitely something that most people lean towards to for relaxation and unwinding periods. These genres are not in season all throughout. There will be a musical era for each type of musical preference. The difference lies in the push given to the type of music in season. Capturing the nod of most people is something that is looked upon closely. However this is only applicable for a certain period of time. There will come a point where people would look for something different or would look for something different. Music preference also depends a lot on individual traits. Loyal followers to certain musical genres will always ensure a good following. For the parties who would usually go with what people are raving about is something that would entirely depend on which music or artist has been actively performing and building a following.

The Styles and Fashion Trends

Identity is what best describes the type of character portrayal that most musical artists bear in mind that would go along well with their musical masterpieces. Hairstyles, hip clothing, brass or chain linings and jewelry, awkward-looking make-ups and facial designs are only some of the characteristics that are immediately attached with punk rock artists and performers. Expressing themselves in the most comfortable manner possible is something that most people would really want to do. Ordinarily, people who would walk out on the street doing this for no reason at all would solicit criticism anywhere, but compare this to the trend setters when a hit song comes out shall merit a totally different insight. More so, such sight could even become a spark to get other people to follow suit and consider getting a similar suit of their own, though not entirely. The rest is totally interconnected from hereon until such spreads like a forest fire.

The Performances and Musical Offerings

There are a number of people who are easily identified with punk and rock music. Such artists as Santana and Jimi Hendrix are notable artists that will surely bring in a crowd whenever a new hit single is out in the market. Concerts as well will draw a sold out audience, especially in nations that are will get first hand experience on the hit songs of today by the artists that are making waves. The combination of tunes, loud in most cases, or delivered in such manners that are unique and different from that of other artists prove to be the benchmark for most solid performances. Upcoming artists of today are best typified as descendants who followed the footsteps of their punk fore fathers which date back as early as the 1970's. Whatever the case maybe, no one would want to be caught flatfooted and lagging behind, especially when hit singles and fashion trends are there for their viewing pleasure.

Vasectomy Reversal Success Stories

vasectomy reversals success stories are nothing short of miraculous considering the time lapse between the vasectomy and the reversal. The lesser this gap the greater is the chances of success.

Generally speaking, the number of vasectomy reversal success stories has been steadily growing thanks to new advances in microsurgery and the increasing skill of micro surgeons. The shift has been towards more competent clinics and centers for vasectomy reversal with excellent track records.

People have been traveling across the world to meet that perfect micro surgeon who could give them that perfect shot at fatherhood again. The irony remains that people end up paying far more than expected for a mediocre and ill-performed vasectomy reversal The quality of the surgeon and his facilities are essential regardless of location. A truly experienced and fellowship trained surgeon is worth traveling for and waiting for. And when all is said and done, a successful outcome is priceless.

Needless to say, most of the vasectomy reversal success stories have behind them the skill of an excellent micro surgeon, the support of excellent attendant staff, state-of-the-art facilities and tools and last but not the least, the discerning judgment of the patient himself.

And there have been encouraging instances where the individual has conceived in just 4 weeks after a reversal and in some cases even with a gap of 35 years between a vasectomy and a reversal!

Vasectomy Reversal success rate also depends on how far one is from the date of the earlier vasectomy. The farther out one is the less the chances for a successful reversal. But then again, there have been cases of successful vasectomy reversal almost 35 years out from vasectomy.

Then there have been folks who have managed to conceive in just a few weeks after vasectomy reversal surgery! Exceptions do not however make the rule and statistics are always on the conservative side. Fact remains that the vasectomy reversal success rate increases as the time gap between vasectomy and reversal decreases and also if a microsurgeon performs the reversal.

A man who has authored many a success story

Dr. Aaron Spitz, M.D., with a Fellowship in Male Fertility, is highly trained and deeply experienced in male reproductive medicine and surgery.

His approach to problem solving is sensitive and friendly. His charges for performing vasectomy reversals are competitive at the advanced level of service that he provides. He is highly skilled at performing microsurgical vasectomy reversals. He routinely performs both vasovasostomy and epididymov-vasostomy, and he has a commendable track record at salvaging previously unsuccessful vasectomy reversals. He also performs minimally invasive sperm retrieval for those couples choosing in-vitro fertility.

Dr. Spitz is also a board certified urologist, fellowship trained in male fertility. He provides the comprehensive evaluation and care that men in infertile couples deserve and require.

This Article is Originally Published here:
Vasectomy Reversal Success Stories - http://www.vasectomyreversalusa.com/vasectomy-reversal-guide/vasectomy-reversal-success-stories.html

MTL 1daycourseplans: What The Internet Was Made For

Have you ever wished you could have a huge supply of training course plans at your fingertips just waiting to be delivered? No research? No designing? No planning? Well, if so, MTL 1daycourseplans from ManageTrainLearn, is the product you've been waiting for.

MTL 1daycourseplans comes from the Internet e-learning company ManageTrainLearn and, as their name implies, it's designed for anyone who is a manager, trainer or learner.

It's also a remarkable product for 3 simple reasons.

1. It's Huge. If you purchased all the course plans on MTL 1daycourseplans, you'd end up with over 100 separate programmes. That's more than enough for 3 months' continuous training every day of the week and every hour of the day. Of course, unless you're planning to open up your own training business, you may not want to do that, which is why you can just select the course plans that you do need in sets of 5.

All ManageTrainLearn programmes are arranged around 20 skill themes that they regard as the key skills for success in the 21st century. They include Appraisal, Facilitation, Change Management, Influencing and Negotiating Skills, and Personality Types. Just pick the course plans you want.

Incidentally, even though MTL 1daycourseplans with its 100 plus course plans is a big resource, it takes no more than a handful of megabytes on your computer. When you think of the savings you make over the paper equivalent, the cost of this product is worth it just for the saving in stress alone!

2. It's Easy. The clever thing about all ManageTrainLearn products is that they are easy to purchase, easy to download, and easy to use. Being one of the foremost e-learning companies around, everything you need to know about MTL products is on their website.

The big plus, however, that makes the decision to purchase a safe bet, is that you can download trial versions of all MTL products, including MTL 1daycourseplans, and test them out on your computer for as long as you like. And since all MTL products are guaranteed, you really don't have any reason not to try them out whatever your thoughts about e-learning

The other great thing about MTL 1daycourseplans, as with all other MTL products, is that there's no waiting to get your courses. From purchase to use is just a matter of minutes, depending on your Internet connection. Isn't this what the Internet was invented for?

3. It Delivers. Of course, none of us buys any product just for the technology. So, the real question with MTL 1daycourseplans is: does it deliver? Well, the answer has to be a resounding Yes on all fronts.

As an example, take a look at the Leadership Skills set of plans. First of all, for the great value price of just £67.00 (or $), you get the following 5 plans:
1. Leadership Styles
2. The Qualities of Leadership
3. Building People
4. Managing or Leading?
5. The Credibility of Leaders

The average number of screen pages in each of these plans is between 80 and 100, which if you're new to the themes is enough to hold your hand through any programme. The day's plan is neatly divided into 6 sessions, 3 in the morning and 3 in the afternoon. Nothing is left to chance. You get a detailed introductory session, group session, and end-of-day review session, and 3 highly detailed theme sessions with topics, exercises, quizzes, and projects galore. In short, if you want to run a week's worth of outstanding training on Leadership Skills, and don't have all the resources yourself, buy this set and you'll have more than enough to get the results you want.

There are many other goodies in MTL 1daycourseplans that make using it a real delight: a lovely colourful interface; easy intuitive navigation; an edit function to add your own notes; a print function to create your own handouts; and a bonus Certificate Maker that lets you create course certificates for each of your trainees.

MTL 1daycourseplans is a winner on all fronts. It's exactly the kind of product that gives the Internet a good name. Buy it and you'll be using it, and loving it, for years to come.

Digital Camera Care

After spending money on a quality digital camera, it is important to take the time to maintain it properly. Your camera will last much longer if you take preventative measures to keep it in the best condition.

The most important, and delicate, component of your digital camera is the camera lens. This serves as your window to the world, and once scratched it will require professional intervention to fix. For this reason, it is imperative that you protect the lens. First of all, when you are not taking photos your lens cap should always be on to keep the lens clean. Do not touch the lens directly with your finger. The oils left behind by your skin will be difficult to remove, making the view blurry at best. If your lens should get dusty or dirty, use a cleaner and cloth made specifically for cleaning camera lenses.

The body of your camera should also be kept clean and free of debris. Keep the camera in a case or pouch when not in use. If it should get dirty, wipe it down with a soft dry cloth. If you camera has an LCD panel, it is acceptable to breath lightly on it to add slight bit of moisture before wiping it down with a soft cloth.

Digital cameras should be kept dry. Most cameras are not waterproof, and should not be in situations where they could be submerged in liquid or even splashed. If your camera should get wet, it is a good idea to turn it off, remove the battery, and remove the memory card. Leave the camera out to air dry for one to two days. At that time if the camera is not functioning properly you will need to contact a professional repair company or the manufacturer for advice.

In general, your camera will do best if stored in mild, dry conditions. Extreme temperatures can be damaging so try not to leave your camera in your car or any super sunny locations. Another good idea is to save the silica gel packets that come with many purchases to prevent moisture damage, and place them in the drawer or container where your camera is stored. If you plan to store your camera for a long period of time without use, you should first remove the battery from the camera. This precaution will prevent damage in case the battery should leak.

Finally, if you are planning to take photos in a location where you believe there will be a higher risk of damage from water or soil or other conditions purchase a disposable camera and leave your digital at home. Better safe than sorry.

Learn How Women Communicate

We all know that this world is full of women, but
all are different. It is said that it is very
hard to understand women that's why here are some
true statements about how they communicate that
you can learn from and see how it applies to your
girlfriend, wife or other woman you know.

Women don't need to have a particular reason to
talk; they like to talk because it creates

So they always want to have near them someone who
wants to listen and talk with them. Also, women
use talking as a way to release tension. There
are a lot of conflicts inside a couple about
communication because, for women, talking
something out over and over again eventually
dissipates the stuck energy around it.

They hate being told to get over it, that you don'
t have time to listen. If rambling conversation
drives you crazy or you don't have a lot of time
let her know what time you do have and give her
the attention. You should listen to her without
trying to find a point or solution.

Women express their thinking and feeling process
out loud. Hearing themselves talk helps women get
clear on what is going on inside of them. The
process of expressing their thoughts out loud
actually allows them to figure out what they're
thinking and feeling. So you should be a good
listener and show that you are interested in what
she thinks and feel. They don't like the men
which enjoy having a specific purpose for the

Women communicate with details. They love details;
that's why a woman's interest in the details

about your life is not an attempt to interrogate
you or invade your privacy and their habit of
sharing the details of their life is not an
attempt to take up too much of your time. Rather,
they are trying to connect. If you want to
surprise her try to make some remarks using some
details for example the way she is dressed, the
color of her eyes...

Women minimize how upset they are. In order to
keep the peace, women often don't express how
upset they really are. They don't stand up for
themselves, and they downplay the severity of
their dissatisfaction.

When they said that are alright but still look
upset, they are still upset. If you take the time
to try to get a woman to say what she really
feels, that attempt alone will actually make her
feel better because she knows you cared enough to

They don't like the men which, in order to avoid
a confrontation take her answer literally and
leave it when she says that is fine but still
look upset. They love to insist and find out what
she really think and try to make her feel better.

Show her that you care and it is important to you
her happiness.

In general, they like to have a lot of friends (I
mean girlfriends) with whom to share all their
thoughts, dreams and secrets which a man would
never understand. Most of them don't feel secure
to have an open talk with their partner and to be
completely honest like she is with her friends.

So women are well aware that most of the time
they are a profound mystery to men.

Commands With Promise

The Scriptures contain many commandments with a promise attached for The Abrahamic Seed Group. These promises are fulfilled for us when and if we perform the commandment. Here's a case in point where a commandment with promise was given to The Abrahamic Seed Group.

Exod 20:12

12 Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. (KJV)

Paul also reminds us of this same commandment with promise.

Eph 6:1-3

1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.
2 Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;)
3 That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth. (KJV)

In other words, if we honor and obey our father and mother, all the above promises will be realized by us members of Abraham's seed, whether Jew or Gentile Christian.

1. It will be well with us.
2. We may live long on the earth.

Is there anyone reading this who wants to have things go well for him/her and live long upon the earth? Then take heed to this commandment with promise.

Search your Bible. You will find many, many commandments with promise for The Abrahamic Seed Group. Here's another one that pertains to our healing.

James 5:14-15

14 Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:

15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. (KJV)

Anointing with oil brings healing when done right. Notice above! The sick one must call for the elders of the church for it to be done right. They cannot just go into someone's sick room with oil in hand and expect to see a healing.

On the other hand, when the sick one follows the Scripture above to the letter and calls for the elders to anoint him/her with oil accompanied by prayer, then healing follows. Failure to follow the directions shuts it all down so that no healing follows. This is another "command with promise."

Now we see a command with promise that affects your financial health. You see, every need we will ever have, God has a command with promise to care for it.

2 Cor 9:6-7

6 But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.

7 Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. (KJV)

Verse seven above raises an interesting question. What is this, "as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give…" Purposeth what?

The truth that giving is the equivalent to sowing seed gives us the answer here. We sow farm land with as much seed as we need to harvest. In other words, fifty acres of farm land properly sown can be expected to yield the full fifty acre harvest. The farmer will sow with the "purpose" of reaping a full fifty acre harvest.

Christians can expect the same in the realm of sowing seed into our Lord's work. Purpose how much return you need as a financial harvest and sow accordingly. Plant you "full fifty acres" as it were and you will reap what you sow. "Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give.

Three commands with promise. Do these commands and the promises begin to activate.

Kiss Your Mate Day

What a lovely name for a day. A must celebration for those in love. April 28th is Kiss Your Mate Day. And obviously all the readers know what it means. Send ecards full of love messages if you are away with a promise to kiss him or her when you meet. Send an ecard planted with kiss - that will be difficult, but not impossible. And if you are with your mate on 28th April, you know what to do.

Rather than talking about kiss, how about talking of mate? The dictionary defines mate as companion, chum, friend, buddy and so on. In short, some one who is your real good friend. In common parlance, mate refers to a girl friend / boy friend with whom you are in love. Love and kisses obviously go together. A kiss seals the promise of love. But we were speaking about mate, so let us continue. Who do you call your mate? Do you have one? Did you have one? How was your life when you were together? How is your life now, if you have a mate?

Life is heavenly. Life is great. Life is lovely. Life is divine. Life is celestial. Life is marvelous. Life is pleasant. Life is delightful. Life is enchanting. One lives life when one is with one's mate. Am I correct? There is nothing better in life than to have a mate for life with whom we can share everything - all that is good and all that is bad. Many a times, we find that those in love try to hide certain bad things from their mate. A man will find it difficult to tell his mate that he is facing money problems when he is wooing her. Isn't it? Similarly girls will always try to show their best side.

When we call someone a mate, we cross all these limits that we have set for ourselves. We become one heart, one mind in two bodies. Nothing is hidden from each other. All our joys, worries, pleasures and anxieties, our phobias, our pains and our pleasures, we share all with our mate whom we love. Unless we can do that, our love and togetherness will be missing the essential joy that comes out of baring all.

Please kiss your mate on April 28th and make sure that you both become true mates for life with nothing left to hide. Unless you do that, the kiss will miss the purest love. Good Luck.

Social Networking On Myspace And Friendster

If by now you have not heard of Mspace or Friendster then maybe the world is moving too slowly for you. Young adults (teens and college age adults) are using the world of the internet to communicate in ways we had no inkling of a few years ago.

Social networking is booming as young adults find one another online to chat, post comments, post photos, and share info about the latest happenings in their world to their Myspace pages and Friendster networking sites. It is not always a good thing for sure, but more on that later on.

So how does it work? Well some genius thought up the concept of Myspace, which is basically a free bulletin board for anyone (not just teens) to create a web site that is all about networking and communicating with friends and creating new friends too. Users create a free account, enter information about themselves, in as much or little detail as they want. They then share their site with their friends. Their friends can then post comments on the myspace. It becomes a great big bulletin board of social interaction. The kids are glued to these things and seem to know how to find one another and chase down the latest hot info in a heartbeat.

So what does this mean to communication in the Internet age for teens and young adults? It puts a fancier face on the outpouring of information exchange between teens.

It used to be that only the geeky teens had web pages about themselves. They were the only ones who knew how to build them. Now with these easy to use tools at their disposal every teen or young adult can have a site. That means connections and networking spreads very fast.

The sharing aspect of these sites are not only their good side but also their bad side as well. In the last year many schools and parents have become alarmed at the content of some of these Myspace sites that students have built. In typical teen fashion some kids say on their site what probably should not be said in public. They post as though it were a diary and then it gets spread around. That means that hate and meanness spread within the community quickly. Some schools have cracked down and told students they would be expelled if they do not clean up their sites. Parents, just finding out about the technology and checking it out for the first time become alarmed at the things that are said on these postings.

Of course that aspect comes back to the old thing of parents needing to be in tune with their kids and what is going on in their world. You cannot give a kid a computer and internet access and then walk away and not pay any attention.

The other thing that has raised alarm in this world of social networking is kids will post news of a party in their area, to their site. Instead of getting to "just" their friends it ends up spreading to the whole area. Homes have been overrun by crowds of kids trying to attend parties. One such event even ended with a fatal stabbing when the crowd got to big and unruly.

Now these are the type of things that can happen with or without such social networking sites in teens lives. These sites are not going to fade away. Myspace has over 60 million subscribers and was recently bought by a major corporation. They intend to make a lot of money off these sites for years to come. After all it is a very juicy target market for advertising revenue.

الاثنين، 12 مارس 2012

A Sneaker Evolution

Those shoes that you just can't live without, that you use for working out, doing yard work, walking, running or just hanging out – the sneaker – has a fascinating history.

The sneaker has been around since the 1800s when the Industrial Revolution took hold on America and rubber began being produced. Sneakers were once called plimsolls when they were first made in the 1800s as a plain rubber soled shoe. Goodyear, now a tire manufacturer, began as a rubber shoe company and in 1892 introduced Keds Ò to the world. The word "sneaker" was also introduced to the world about a decade later when an advertising agent gave these rubber soled shoes the name sneakers because the soles were so quiet and didn't make any noise on any surface.

Converse was the next company to release a sneaker to the world in 1917. They called it the Converse All Star and it was the shoe worn by basketball players. This shoe – the Converse All Star – later became the Chuck Taylor All Star and became a necessity to basketball players, kids and others for more than 50 years.

Adi and Rudolph Dassler introduced the first shoe used for tennis, or the tennis shoe, in 1931 and the brand name Adidas was born. Soon after Rudolph Dassler teamed with Puma Schuhfabrik to produce the Puma brand shoe for football.

It took until the 1950s for sneakers to be the preferred footwear of teenagers after James Dean was photographed wearing his jeans and white sneakers. Girls and boys wore their sneakers as a symbol of rebellion.

In 1968 the sneaker giant Nike enters the sneaker scene after Phil Knight and Bill Bowerman partner to create Blue Ribbon Sports shoes which was later changed to Nike after the Greek Goddess of Victory. In 1971 the famous Nike swoosh was bought from a graphic design student for a mere $35! In 1979 Nike created the first Nike Air sole shoe claiming a revolutionary air-cushioning shoe. They introduce the first shoe using this technology called the Nike Tailwind. However, one of the most memorable shoe lines that Nike released was the Air Jordan which hit the markets in 1985.

Since then Nike has captured the athletic shoe market. In 2001 they introduced their Nike Shox advanced support technology. This system uses columns of engineered foam to give runners and athletes superior cushioning and support. This was a new revolution in shoe design.

Nike continued to lead the market in 2003 and acquired Converse, Inc. The Chuck Taylor All Star is reintroduced and is again a fashion staple in the lives of teenagers across the country.

Sneakers have come so far that they are not strictly for athletes anymore. In 2004 Reebok formed a partnership with music professionals to create their Sound and Rhythm line. This was done on an attempt to grow and heighten sales and to recognize the growing popularity of the music industry and it's effect on today's youth.

Whether you are a professional athlete, casual athlete, music enthusiast or lover of fashion only, there is sure to be several pairs of sneakers in your wardrobe to fit every facet of your life. But did you ever know that this staple item had such an interesting history behind it?

Regional Cuisine Of China: Szechuan Style

The Szechuan style of cuisine arose from a culturally distinct area in the central western of part of China, a province known as Sichuan. This area of China came into its own culturally towards the end of the Shang Dynasty, during the 15th century. However, it was also the climate of the area that helped to shape the culinary traditions that were to arise from Sichuan province and make their way into the realm of international cuisine.

The province from which the cuisine that the world knows as Szechuan evolved is often hot and humid, and this contributed to this necessity of preparing foods in ways that differ significantly from other regions of China. Szechuan cuisine is primarily known for its hot and spicy dishes, though naturally there is more to Szechuan food than spice and sauces rich and strong in flavor.

A general overview of culinary history and trends reveals that, for the most part, areas that tended to spice heavily were areas in which the fresh food supply was not as reliable as in places that traditionally used a lighter hand in their use of spices. The climate of Sichuan is conducive to faster food spoilage. This, particularly in the past, made necessary food preservation techniques that themselves left behind a strong flavor, such as salting, pickling, drying, and smoking. Thus, spices served to mask the flavors of less than fresh foods and those that have been preserved by methods that affect their natural flavors. In addition to masking certain flavors, the use of hot spices, such as chili peppers, tends to be more common to hot climates, as the sweat that they can produce is thought to cool the body.

Much of the spicing of regional Chinese cooking is based upon bringing together five fundamental taste sensations – sweet, sour, pungent, salty and bitter. The balance of these particular elements in any one dish or regional cuisine can vary, according to need and desire, especially as influenced by climate, culture and food availability.

In Szechuan cuisine, there are a variety of ingredients and spices used to create these basic taste sensations. These include a variety of chili peppers, peppercorns over various types, Sichuan peppers, which are in reality a type of fruit, not pepper, and produce a numbing effect in addition to their warm flavor. Sichuan peppers, also called flower pepper and mountain pepper, are a traditional part of the Chinese five spice powder, or at least of those that are modeled upon the most authentic versions of the spice combinations common to regional Chinese cooking.

Other ingredients used commonly in Szechuan cuisine to create the five fundamental taste sensations include different types of sugars, such as beet root sugar and cane sugar, as well as local fruits for sweetness. The sour comes from pickled vegetables and different varieties of vinegar. A special bitter melon is added to many dishes to offer the touch of bitterness that complements other flavors. Other spices and flavors include dried orange peel, garlic, ginger, sesame oil and bean paste. Salt is important to Szechuan cuisine, and the area produces uniquely flavored salts that help to distinguish authentic Szechuan cuisine from the other regional cuisines from China.

Szechuan cuisine is marked by its rich traditional flavors, which stem from a culture of hundreds of years and are in part shaped by the natural forces of climate. Authentic Szechuan cuisine offers a unique dining experience made up of adventurous and creative taste sensations.